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My Philosophy of Instruction and Design


The science of learning calls for external support of the internal learning process. It is my belief that learning is dependent on meaningful connections made between the learner and the content. Through arts education I have seen the commitment students are willing to make to the learning process when they are excited about the content. When learners relate to and invest in the content, the next step is helping them make connections to their surroundings, to their current knowledge base, and to the material they are learning in other content areas. I am inspired by Keller’s ARCS Model and find that consideration of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation cannot be overlooked. Learner and context analyses are given a high priority in all instructional design endeavors I undertake.


“Motivational design can be applied to improving students’ motivation to learn, employees’ motivation to work, the development of specific motivational characteristics in individuals, and to improving peoples’ skills in self-motivation.” – John Keller


Front-end analysis gives me the insight needed to choose the most appropriate tools and solutions for the instructional problem at hand. It is important to gain a clear understanding of your learners through in-depth analysis in order to be able to design instruction that is motivating and relevant to the specific needs of the group. As a designer I look for ways to maintain strong lines of communication, particularly throughout the analysis, design, and development phases, in order to ensure that questions are being answered, concerns are being addressed, and that the design of the learning solution employs the most effective and appropriate procedures and materials for the specific learners at hand. Staying informed of research, learning and design theories, and technological innovations is essential in the field of Instructional Technology; a good designer knows that no two solutions will ever be exactly the same.


“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

– Abraham Maslow

I look for opportunities which allow me to continue to learn and experiences which offer challenges. I value team collaboration and independent development, and I seek working environments which allow for both. I have a great appreciation for creativity and strive to bring innovation and new perspective to training and instruction, knowing that change is one of life’s only certainties.

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